Personal Data
Milo Queen
Gender : FemaleInterests : Various language, comic & novel, game, music
Favourite Quatation : "Always believe in relationship no matter what" - Milo
Notes : Being a girl who can do all things and always able to help anyone ^o^
Cookie Queen
Gender : FemaleInterests :
Favourite Quatation :
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Domo Queen
Gender : Female
Interests : Blogging, comic, novel
Favourite Quatation : "All your dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them" -Walt Disney
Notes : I wanna be a girl who makes your bad day better. The one that make you say "my life has changes since i met her"
Lollipop Queen
Gender : FemaleInterests :
Favourite Quatation :
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Mango Queen
Gender : FemaleInterests : Study,video games freak!,Cellphone addict,100611<3
Favourite Quatation : Never leave someone who loving you just for someone that never loving you!
Notes : I'm youngest,but that don't meant i'm lying in whole of my life.
Say no to drugs and stop bullying!